Cool people, cool the planet | re:wilding

  • Dette arrangement har allerede funnet sted.


Welcome to an evening at Rampen bar about our sensitivity to nature and the food we share. Re:wilding dialogues about food security, local actions and personal values, food&drinks and talks.

PROGRAM 17.00-19.00 

17.00 Red hot soup and drinks in the bar! Spicey winter soup (100 % vegan) with bread, served in the bar, kr 100.

17:15 Welcome and live music! Ingrid Lovise 

17.30 Creativity, Collaboration and Culture to Combat Climate Change (C6 World). Inger-Mette Stenseth, Norsk klimanettverk

17.45 Cool people, cool the planet. Food, nature and climate. Zoe Christiansen, Northern Company, an award winning Norwegian company that harvests and sells seaweed from the North Atlantic Ocean.

18.00 Cool People, Cool the Planet re:wilding dialogues about food security, local actions and personal values. Moderator Inger-Mette Stenseth and Heidi Helgestad

19.00 Rampen bar is still open …


Erasmus+ project C6 world 

Samarbeidspartnere C6 world: SixtyEight Art Institute (DK), Worldview Impact Foundation (UK), CasermArcheologica (IT), People of 2050 (DK),  EarthBank (SE), Norsk klimanettverk (NO). Financed by Erasmus+,